Sunday 4 April 2010

Made me laugh!

A friend of mine emailed me this picture, really made me chuckle, and is actually true (even though this is a donkey)!

Saturday 3 April 2010

The grass is always greener...

Grace got the ‘grass is always greener’ bug in March and jumped out of her field three times in three days! She gave herself a soft tissue muscle strain in the process (probably landed oddly or twisted her back somehow) which stopped our training and saw us spend weeks walking and stretching, with physio support from the fantastic Di Messum at Towcester Vets.

We are only just starting to reintroduce trot work. This has however, given me some time to reconsider our goals for the summer, and I’ve been pondering freestyle dressage as our next step! Not entirely sure where to start though!